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CLIENT: Black Mountain Sand
OWNER: Black Mountain Sand
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West Texas has become the center of fracking activity in the United States with production
from the Permian Basin oilfields becoming a key source of business opportunity for the
petrochemical industries of the US Gulf Coast. In answer to the demand for high quality frac
sand Black Mountain Sand established two facilities near Kermit, Texas.
Black Mountain’s Vest Mine and Black Mountain’s El Dorado Mine have 10mm tons per year
of combined production capacity and are each capable of loading 700+ trucks per day with
8 dedicated truck load-outs and 32,000 tons of Vertical storage capacity at each mine.
The handling facilities include thousands of feet of feed, tripper and reclaim conveyors, 20
Rotex Mineral Separators, rotary dryers, dry screening, and other material handling storage
and loading equipment.
Alliance Industrial Group provides bet365 app download electrical and mechanical and maintenance services for
both mines, including their Motor Control Centers, and equipment maintenance.